Thursday, September 29, 2016

Post Conference Thoughts

I don't have much experience with auto-ethnography, but my understanding is that I will use my research to  expand upon and challenge my ideas. My main goal for this project is to really question myself, and all of my ideas following school in Kentucky. I am obviously very opinionated about culture and life in Kentucky, but after all the writing I have completed on the topic, I want to challenge my opinions. At the end of the day I hope to find some validity to my opinions, and I want to challenge this validity by speaking with other students from Orange County, and seeing where their heads are at, and if they have had similar experiences as I. If they have, then  I can use my experiences and their responses as evidence for what life is like for a person from Orange County in Lexington. I like the idea of shifting my focus a touch as to avoid any generalizations that are without merit. It is difficult to say everyone from a particular area is one certain way, while I may feel something, other people in my situation may feel differently and I am excited to figure out if that is true or not.

I am looking forward to getting IRB approval so I can get started on my research. After each interview, I will journal about things we had in common or not in common and keep a thorough record of my thoughts throughout the research process on top of continuing my past writing. I will also be having my weekly meeting with Dr. Soulis on Tuesday to discuss the direction of the project. I am excited to  see where this project can go.

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